A crucial electrical component for your engine, the 2-Stroke Magneto Loop Set assists with the production of your engine’s spark. Installed onto the crankcase and connected to the CDI and magneto magnet, this part surrounds the magneto magnet as it revolves. The result is the capture of magnetic force which is sent from the loop to the CDI to create your spark. Installation is also quite simple, all you need to do is unbolt your existing loop set, using sandpaper sand down the varnish on your new loop set, ensure your magneto magnet’s keyway is at the one o’clock position, install your new loop set. So, whether you are not getting a spark or are overhauling your engine, the 2-Stroke Magneto Loop Set has you covered.
Part #47 on the Electrical Diagram
Package includes:
Magneto Wire Loop Set Part Number (See Parts Manual): 2-47 or D2-50